If there was anything that I did wrong or did not cover then please tell me so and then I'll edit it, if you need any help with mount and blade then just give me a hollar and I'll do my best to help you out. Here is the link to the troop editor as it's very useful when you want to test out your items quickly.į/index.php/topic,34154.0.html , itp_type_one_handed_wpn|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_secondary|itp_no_parry, itc_dagger, 13, weight(1.75)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(130) | weapon_length(60)|swing_damage(30, cut) | thrust_damage(40, pierce),imodbits_none ],īelow are image's showing you what is whatĪfter you have done this for your item then it should be in the game the next time you load it up, for an easy way to see your item ingame use the troop editor (Found on taleworlds forum) and give yourself the item. When adding items it is always best to base it off another item so you should copy another items entry and edit it accordingly. The game is available as a direct download from the TaleWorlds website.
Announced in January 2009, the game was developed by the Turkish company TaleWorlds Entertainment and was published by Paradox Interactive on March 30, 2010. This will differ depending on what you want to add but for the purpose of this tutorial I am adding a weapon. Mount & Blade: Warband is the eagerly anticipated stand alone expansion pack for the game that brought medieval battlefields to life with its realistic mounted combat and detailed fighting system. Mount & Blade: Warband is the standalone expansion pack to the strategy action role-playing video game Mount & Blade.