This list will contain only +68% mounts as these are faster, rarer, and harder to achieve but also more pretty. In LOTRO, mounts can grant you +32% (starter mounts, nobody uses them), +62% (regular mounts), and +68% (special meta-deed mounts). It's no wonder that LOTRO players see mounts as an integral part of their character's image, and will go to great lengths (completing tough quests, deeds, and reputation tiers) to acquire a specific mount. Mounts are a huge deal in the Tolkien universe, holding legendary traits, partaking in epic stories, and even changing the history of Middle-Earth! Good day to you, fellow Middle-Earthers! So, you've come to pick your trusted LOTRO companion that will take you places and make you look princely. Mounts are a big part of your character's identity and finding your ideal steed is not an easy task.